Literary Comprehension of Yudhisthira's Wisdom

Posted by anjila | Posted in | Posted on 11:37 PM


One dry day, the Pandava brothers walked off miles from their shed in search of a deer. After walking miles, every of the five brothers grew tired and too thirsty. But there was no trace of water near by. Shahadeva, the youngest brother, went away for water on the command of the eldest brother, but Shahadeva did not return on expected time. Yudhisthira sent Nakula to bring report of cause of Shahadeva's delay to return with water. But he too did not come back sooner as expected. Neither did Bhima and Arjun respectively, as they left the eldest brother on his will to fetch out the two brothers already delayed to return. Finding none of his brothers as back as yet, Yudhisthira grew impatient and moved-off tracking their footsteps. After walking away some distance, he reached a lake by an open, green field. But suddenly while discovering four of his younger brother's lying all cold, either as unconscious or dead near the lake, he was shock-stricken.

As Yudhisthira did not know what to do with, he simply began to sob bitterly for long on the bank later, for being much thirstier, as he dragged himself to the edge of the water with head down for a drink, he happened to hear Yaksha's voice warning him to drink water only after showing his full ability to answer the question, Yushisthira said even the earth is not more respectful than the mother for an individual. Again, one should give up his self pride to be respected by the following beings. Further he added that only the person who loses desires can really be rich. Similarly having all his questions answered correctly Yaksha got satisfied with Yudhisthira and as a reward he wanted to restore the life of any one of Yudhisthira's brothers. Instantly Yudhisthira wished to have Nakula's life back. Yaksha was greatly surprised and asked him the reason for his unexpected wish to have Nakula's life restored instead of his own brothers. He justified the cause saying it would be morally unjust for Nakula and Shahadeva were the brothers from Madri's line. So if their lives were not restored, her lineage would come to end. Hence Yaksha was very pleased. As the conversation was going on in between, there appeared Yama, Yaksha's own heavenly brother who declared that sonce he had come down to help the Pandavas, he would restore the lives of all four younger brothers. More over, Yama assured them of his full protection during the rest of his exile.

Theory Of Time- Plato

Posted by anjila | Posted in | Posted on 11:09 PM


The view of "Plato" is called "Theory Of Time". It includes
  • True Knowledge
  • Immortal Soul
  • Ideal-state
  • Myth of cave(allegory)

True Knowledge

Plato believed that everything we see around us in world is changeable. So, we can never gain true knowledge from something that changes constantly rather we can only have knowledge of things that can be understood with our reason.

Immortal Soul

Reality is divided into two reasons
World of senses
World of ideas
The world of ideas can provide true knowledge because here we use our reason. And based on this idea, Plato has claimed a man to be a duel creature having a body that is realted with senses and an immortal where the reasons lie.

Myth of Cave(Allegory)

Through myth of cave Plato refers to the journey of philosopher from darkness to light(knowledge). This myth leads to the idea of ideal state or (Utopian State) as elaborated by Plato in "The Republic".

Ideal State

The ideal state of Plato is clearly defined in his work "The Republic" which is somewhat like old Hindu caste systen where everyone is prescibed certain role and function to be performed in the society for the development of whole community like rulers and warriors are not allowed to have family life or private property in Plato's ideal state, rearing children should be responsibility of the state and so on.

It is worth noting that in Plato's ideal state, women could govern just as effectively as men. Since rulers govern by virtue of their reasons and women has exactly the same power of reasoning if they had provided similar traing. Plato, therefore had positive view of women considering the time he lived in.