Literary Language And Organic Unity
Posted by anjila | Posted in Literature Theory | Posted on 5:05 AM
Literary Language is such language which is used by any literary text. It is different from scientific language and everyday language. Scientific Language depends upon denotation(direct meaning) and it doesn't try to be beautiful.
e.g: "father" denote "male parent(dad)",
On the other hand, literary language depends upon connotation, implication, association, suggestion and indirect meaning. It tries to bring out aesthetic beauty through words.
e.g: "father"connotation is authority, power, protection, responsibility.
Everyday language is expressive, connotative which have practical use but Literary Language chooses specific words and arranges it in an order to bring complexity(aesthetic beauty) and thus to create aesthetic experience and world of it's own. The form of literary language consists of specific word choice and arrangement to create aesthetic expression which cannot be separated from the content and meaning (theme) of the text.
Organic Unity is the form and meaning of literary work which is developed together. When a text has an organic unity all the formal elements work together to generate theme/meaning of the whole work. In organic Unity of a work all parts do job together to make an inseparable whole. It is criteria by which New Critics judge the quality of a literary work because when text has an organic unity then all it's general elements work together to bring out its theme or meaning of the work. Organic Unity brings "complexity" that a literary work must have along with "order " that human being seek. Complexity is produced by four linguistic devices- Paradox, Irony, Ambiguity, and Tension.